Sunday, March 20, 2016

114 Days Left

First off, before anything, I am writing this post for those who are going/ wanting to go on exchange, for my family and friends, and for anyone who wonders the true life of an exchange student. I'm not in anyway saying I want to go home or that I am unappreicative of being here, this is just the true feelings I have right now.

The other day I was waiting for the bus to take me to a friend's house and as I was waiting something hit me. I reliesed how comfortable I have became with living this life, living in Finland. I don't know how I will be able to adjust when I go home. Now the days I have left here are less then the days I've been here which means at that I;m no longer counting down the days since I've been here but watching the number of days I have left dwindle.

Your days on exchange arn't filled with endless adventures or constantly fun times. I haven't been the happiest here for the past few months, I've though about going home plenty of times. I've cried lots of tears but I've also smiled lots of smiles. I've had some really bad down times but also some times that made me so fucking happy that I'd forget that I'm a foriegner.

There is a part of me who wanted to go on exchange to get away from home, so I would no longer have to deal with the stress and hard times that that  life brought me. But the saying is true you can't runaway from home. I still feel the stress and constant worry that I did back home that only difference is is that I'm not there. Hearing the other day that my grandmother, who really means the most to me, has to have heart surgery scared the living daylights out of me. If something bad happens and I'm not there I don't think I could ever forgive myself for leaving. We all go on exchange knowing something bad could happen to someone we love but the fact that it could be reailty for me, is hard.

Anyway I only have 3 in a half months left so I will take advantage of the time I do have left. I'm not the best writer or blogger but I do try to do my best in writing.  Here are some pictures/videos of the past few weeks!


Until Next Time,

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