Wednesday, December 30, 2015


On December 17th, at about 4:30pm I started on a 9 in a half hour trip back to Lapland to a place called Ruka!

It was about -20 degrees celsius while we were there (-4 degrees Fahrenheit)

My host sister and her friend had their training, as they are  downhill skier's, in Ruka so my my host family decided to take a trip there. We drove Tuesday evening and arrived a little after 4 am on Wednesday after having car trouble because of the cold. I think by 11:30 everyone was up and a little after I walked a bit around the little ski village in Ruka with my host mom.

That day I reliesed I was sick and of course it happened while I was there. That day I didn't go skiing but just hung out in the apartment. The next day, I woke up with a very sore throat and a runny nose, but I wasn't going to let that ruin my day. At about one I went skiing with my host dad over on the kiddie slopes because after my one day of skiing in Muonio I didn't feel pro-enough to concur the big hills.

The view from the bottom of the hill
I'm so thankful for my host mom who went to the apteeki (pharmacy store) and got me throat lounges and a powder hot water thing which numb my throat. Friday my throat was feeling better but nose was still running like it was running a marathon. At about 12 I went skiing again with my host dad on the hill for basically people who are to advanced for the kiddie hill but not ready for the harder slopes. On the way there since it was on the other side of the mountain my host dad and I rode the lift to the top of the big hill where all the slopes led off from and skied down to the basically big kid hill. I was honestly ready to shat my pants because I was sure I would ski off the hill to my death. I made it down in one piece and skied for about 3 hours and then we took the ski lift back to the top and skied down to the hotel. I had to have a teacher help me because the first slope down was steep and all I could see was death haha.

The lift that dropped off at the 'next step up form kiddie hill' hill

View from the 'next step up from the kiddie hill' hill

 My host dad dropped me off an hour later back on the other side so I could ski a bit more, and I fell so many times, it was funny until I went to the kiddie slopes and fell and sat like five minutes trying to get up. after about 2 in a half hours my host dad skied over to that side and we rode the lift up to go down one slope then skied back to the lift that would take us to the slope that would lead back to the hotel. My host dad had to help me like the teacher did earlier because I was still afraid of going down that part.

My ski card was good night skiing which started at 7:30pm so at about 8 my host sister, her friend, and I went skiing. We did the beginner  trail because only one life was up and the other slopes were way to difficult for me. Low and behold so was the beginner trail from the top of the hill to the bottom. My host sister and her friend helped me learn to ski, the first time went good and the second time when I was trying to turn I skied into my host sister and we both fell. Ahh! I had a fun time.

The next day we packed to leave and left for our 9 1/2 hour trip back to Numijärvi! I had a swell time and enjoyed being able to ski for a second time. Also there were lots of British families, it was so cute to hear the little British kids speak with their accents!


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