Wednesday, September 2, 2015

1 Month!

Today marks one month since my arrival in Finland. Though I've only been here for a short time, I've gained and learned so much!

I am living my dream! I am finally living my dream! It makes me so happy to say that I am an exchange student. After 2 years of trying to become one, I am one! I'm happy with my life right now, I am happy that I am outside my comfort zone, I'm happy that when I go to sleep at night I'm exhausted, I'm happy that Finland is becoming less foreign to me, all because it means I'm doing my exchange right, to me.

Though I've only been here for a month I still can't believe that I am here. I feel so lucky to experience a year here in Finland. I am very very grateful. I try and write every night because I don't want to forget anything. This post should be grander but it's hard for me to put into words the wonderful things I have experienced this month and what I have felt. This is life to me, it's home.

I am home. 


I posted a new video on Youtube, just sort of summarizing my month of August. 

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