Monday, September 21, 2015

The Little Things

     I've been here in Finland for a month in a half and I've realised it's the little things so far that make me happy. When I was getting dressed one morning, I was putting on my cardigan and there was something in my pocket and I pull it out and released it was a ticket number. In Tampere when Olivia and I had to run to the Forex Bank to exchange our money, Olivia went to the teller and I had to wait till one of the two tellers were available. While I was waiting a man came in and pressed the button for the ticket to get a number to be in line. Me being me relised that I didn't do that and didn't have a ticket and started flipping out on the inside (we only had less then 30 minutes to be back). The man saw this and gave me his ticket so I could be next and I put it in my cardigan I was wearing and have forgotten about it until I pulled it out the other day.  There are just many little things that make me think and smile and just appreciate where I am. I'm living for now because I won't be here forever.
     Time really goes so much faster on exchange then I thought. All ex-exchange students will tell you your exchange goes by fast and before you know it you're leaving on a plane to go back home. I always brushed it off, but I now know what they meant. My days are going by so fast, one minute it's 4:00 and next it's 8:00. I still can't believe that in 13 days it will be 2 months since I've arrived in Finland. Honestly I don't know where the time has gone, it just seems to be escaping me. It wasn't until last week I really saw how fast my exchange is going by and I've started to enjoy it.
     Yesterday I went to Helsinki to meet up with a friend Marce, from Mexico, and walked around Helsinki and shopped a bit. We got a bite to eat at Barbarossa, where they have these large pizza for 5 euros (perfect for an exchange student budget) and it's pretty good pizza. We later met up in the park with the South Americans, Spanish girls, Cora (Alaskan), and Marie(French) and they are great <3 I had such a blast.
I've started my language classes, they are once a week on Mondays, I got a library card, I've made friends, and I'm getting used to eating fish. Exchange is amazing!

For those of you who are interested in exchange, it's applying season! Do it it's amazing and you won't regret it! Also if you're interested in applying to YES Abroad app's are out!!! Apply! Please! I love to see other's having this wonderful opportunity! Even if you're a senior this year chances are you're still eligible go do a gap year! Why not?! 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

1 Month!

Today marks one month since my arrival in Finland. Though I've only been here for a short time, I've gained and learned so much!

I am living my dream! I am finally living my dream! It makes me so happy to say that I am an exchange student. After 2 years of trying to become one, I am one! I'm happy with my life right now, I am happy that I am outside my comfort zone, I'm happy that when I go to sleep at night I'm exhausted, I'm happy that Finland is becoming less foreign to me, all because it means I'm doing my exchange right, to me.

Though I've only been here for a month I still can't believe that I am here. I feel so lucky to experience a year here in Finland. I am very very grateful. I try and write every night because I don't want to forget anything. This post should be grander but it's hard for me to put into words the wonderful things I have experienced this month and what I have felt. This is life to me, it's home.

I am home. 


I posted a new video on Youtube, just sort of summarizing my month of August.