Tuesday, August 11, 2015

August 3rd

Today we had a great alarm, our tutors in our dorm house. We were woken up at 7:15am  where we were given 45 minutes to get ready for the day and for breakfast at 8. For breakfast I had “hall”, where before we went in had to take off our shoes, and had our info talk/lecture about rules and the schedule for the week or day, I don’t remember.

After that we went to our langauge course! One of the practices was we had to grab a paper off the word, it had a picture and the Finnish word on the bottom, and it had start with the first letter of our first name. Mine was Hattu. We then went outside and stood in a circle where we had to say the people’s before us name and Finnish word they had, then say our own name and Finnish word. It was very similar to the icebreaker we did at my CBYX interview. We then went back to class where we listened to a song and started a bit on the lesson. The lesson was mostly grammar but it did help quite a bit. We then had a khaki (coffee) break and went back to class. After we were done with classes for today we had a lecture on the “Finnish way of life”. Then we had a lecture about the Sauna! 

So the best thing that happened today was that I went to the Sauna. Everyone from my group and I all went naked. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, but the Sauna is amazing!!! I recommend anyone who hasn’t been to a Sauna before go! It was great!  Like this will be my favorite thing to do here in Finland. Also after we were in the Sauna for 20 minutes we went and jumped in the “lake” (it’s actually a river)  and we were there for about 3-4 minutes then went back to the sauna for the last 5 minutes we had left. 

That’s mostly all I did today! It was really great, and I’m already loving these days at Karkku.


1 comment:

  1. The sauna experience in Finland is the best thing to recommend to everyone. Even if you are not too comfortable in your own skin just take the leap of faith and you will see it is very enjoyable and relaxing. My wife and I have done it a lot. Jumping into the river afterwards must have been an awesome experience.

    Ronni Casillas @ JNH Life Styles
