Friday, January 30, 2015

One Year Blogversary!

One year ago today, I started my blog! A whole year has gone by and many many things have happened and changed and even I see that myself has changed.

Well the whole reason I started this blog was because I was chosen as a semi-finalist with CBYX. I can be very superstious, and I was very hesiteant about making a blog because I was fearful that if I made a blog I would not become a finalist. I saw other people who started a blog before they were chosen as a finalist and it didn't bite them in their butt so, I did. Though I wasn't chosen as a finalist, I'm glad I made this blog. I re-read my excitement of getting the email, anticapating interview, the excitment of interview, anticaption of finalist notification, and the heartbreak I recieved from my rejection email. I truly felt the world had ended but, it didn't I'm still here and kickin.

Now I going abroad with Rotary like my intentional plans, I'm happy with my life.

As of right now my blog has 1,541 views! In only one year that many people have seen my blog, it's kinda crazy!

I am beyond excited with what this year has to offer. 

One year down, a billion more to go :)

*Don't forget I am fundraising for my exchange on gofundme click the link here, if you want to donate!!*


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